This blog covers all the opportunities, activities and events which you will want to be aware of. As it develops it will group information into topics for you to reference more efficiently. You can also follow us on Twitter:
Sunday, 13 November 2011
A level choices and university options
This blog entry really is aimed at GCSE level students making Sixth Form option choices, please pass this information on to those you know who may find it useful. The Russell Group, which contains many of the UK's most competitive universities in terms of entry requirements, has published a very valuabel guide to A level combinations, career options and university entry. It explains very clearly what choices support what degree options and removes the mystique that has surrounded their opinions on this matter for many years. A link to their downloadable guide is now on the universities section of the Blog.
University Retake Policy
I am increasingly asked about the impact of AS module retakes. At present it is clear from my discussions with universities that they are entirely acceptable in most circumstances, but they can have a negative effect in three areas:
1. Universities put greater value on an A level completed in two years rather than three. So try to avoid doing retakes that span three academic years.
2. Universities are increasingly focusing on AS level grades, as these are now required to be put on the application form, and any discrepancy with "predicted" A level grades is treated with caution unless the school reference highlights a specific reason for AS level underperformance. So avoiding the need to retake in Year 13 is valuable in this regard.
3. With the most competitive courses, such as Medicine, there are a large number of applicants with very strong AS grades first time around who would have some advantage over those undertaking retakes.
1. Universities put greater value on an A level completed in two years rather than three. So try to avoid doing retakes that span three academic years.
2. Universities are increasingly focusing on AS level grades, as these are now required to be put on the application form, and any discrepancy with "predicted" A level grades is treated with caution unless the school reference highlights a specific reason for AS level underperformance. So avoiding the need to retake in Year 13 is valuable in this regard.
3. With the most competitive courses, such as Medicine, there are a large number of applicants with very strong AS grades first time around who would have some advantage over those undertaking retakes.
More university advice online
Beaumont has a long relationship with Birmingham University in which they have given excellent introductory talks to our Year 12s each March. It is possible now to access some of this information from the new blog link - "Birmingham University advice". On the right hand side of this page are downloadable guides to all matters regarding university application and a personal statement advice area.
Physics Summer School at Birmingham University
Great opportunity to find out how Physics would be taught at a university like Birmingham. Next one is 11-12th July 2012,so ideal for Year 12s considering this subject as a degree. Early booking advised - contact Dr Long
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Oxford Brookes University have been one of the best providers of general advice to prospective students. They have now gathered this together in one site called "Unipod" (link " general uni advice" on the blog). Advice on personal statements, choosing between universities, interviews and finance amongst others.
Barclays joins the party
As predicted more and more key employers are developing programmes that allow sixth form leavers to obtain graduate qualifications without debt and whilst working. Barlcays Bank are promoting such a programme and the link has been added to the blog for easy reference. Requirement is 240UCAS points ( 3Cs at A2 level or 2 Cs, and a D with an E at As level).
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Student Loan Advice
New link in Universities Section which provides very clear advice on the the thorny issue of student loans, their real cost and repayment options.
Retail Careers and Further Study Programmes
This is a huge area for careers and the structures which we visited earlier this year with respect to the London Fashion Retail Academy. We now possess a contact with a course leader of a Fashion Merchandise Management degree who has volunteered to talk to anyone or a group of you who are interested in learning more either about further study or career opportunities in this area. Please let us know.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
London Taster Days Programme 2012
About a dozen Beaumont students attended these last year and I really do not know why it was not considerably more, as this is THE outstanding programme to guide students towards the correct degree choice and to support personal statement writing. Needless to say all students who attended were well ahead in these areas come this September's application season.
The new programme opens up on 12th January and is so popular it requires booking promptly. Find it on Better still start following them on Facebook "London Taster Course Programme" so you do not miss anything.
The new programme opens up on 12th January and is so popular it requires booking promptly. Find it on Better still start following them on Facebook "London Taster Course Programme" so you do not miss anything.
Essay Competitions
Always a good way to pimp up your UCAS application and, perhaps, walk off with £500. Peterhouse College Cambridge are running essay competitions in:
Details on:
Deadine March 23rd 2012
Details on:
Deadine March 23rd 2012
Cambridge Subject Workshops for Year 12s
One day events aimed at potential applicants to Cambridge and other "competitive" universities. You will need to have obtained a mix of A* and A grades at GCSE level and have a realistic expectation of achieving A*AA at A level to be chosen by the College. Subjects are titled:
Uncovering the Past;
New Research in the Sciences;
Technology in the 21st Century;
Literature & Language
See Mr de Kort if interested.
Uncovering the Past;
New Research in the Sciences;
Technology in the 21st Century;
Literature & Language
See Mr de Kort if interested.
Cambrideg University Shadowing Scheme
Year 12s considering applying there should consider this scheme which takes place in late January and February - Thursdays to Saturday and free.
Deadline for applications = 2 Dec
Info and application forms from:
Deadline for applications = 2 Dec
Info and application forms from:
Merchandising at Tesco
WGC based opportunity for career within merchandising at Tesco (see blog careers link). Need A levels equivalent to 3 C grades and, of course, interpersonal skills such as commercial awareness, analytical mind, communication skills and an ability to manage a workload. No surprises there then!
Law Opportunities
Herts Uni School of Law Open Day - Sunday 13th November (12 - 1500. Also public lecture Monday 21st Nov 17.30 - 19.30. Presentation on LLB course followed by lecture from Director of Prision Reform Trust entitled "Barred Citizens". Book a place via admissions tutor Kevin Rogers:
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Engineering Opportunities in St Albans
St Albans is home to one of the largest offices of AECOM a global engineering design company. They regularly recruit A level educated school leavers to their schemes. They are always keen for me to put interested students in touch with them. Check out their careers pages on
Deloitte in St Albans Career Opportunities
Deloitte's (accountants) offer two schemes: Bright Start for A level students who do not wish to go on to university and the Scholar Scheme which involves a year working for them before university plus sponsorship of £1500 per year. 300 UCAS points (equivalent to 3 Bs at A level) in ANY subject is the entry criteria. If interested, I can put you in touch with the local representatives.
A Great Gap Year Opportunity for STEM students
Are you studying STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths)subjects, and looking for a paid work placement in a gap year? If so, you ought strongly to consider the Year in Industry programme (apply online at
Gap Year
KPMG School Leavers' Programme
As advertised on the TV last week, this programme is growing in size. There are 180 places available this year. In summary it involves a six year course leading to a degree in Accounting from Durham, Birmingham or Exeter University. Whilst studying, practical experience is gained working for KPMG in accountancy roles. All tuition fees are paid for by the company AND there is a starting salary of around £20,000. No wonder this is proving to be a very popular option.
Personal Statement Progress
Having reviewed reviewed more tha 30 of this year's drafts, I am even more convinced that the secret to a good one is found in the possession of a range of relevant activities, events, and overt research into the subject being applied for. All the words fall into place and sound convincing when centred around this evidence of interest and commitment. The key, therefore, for future applicants is to ensure that all the opportunities thrown up are taken to make yourself STAND OUT. For Year 12s or Year 13s deferring university entry, this is the start of the season of opportunity, so stay alert and ENGAGE.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Medicine Application Advice
A 2011 student who obtained a place at Nottingham to study Medicine has prepared an excellent guide to the whole process of application from her own perspective. Any Year 12s considering this route should see me for a free copy.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
University making a difference
Profile of Central St Martins College in London and its extraordinary role in producing so many of the world's top designers. A genuine seat of learning. Read all about it here
University Finance Guide
The BBC have now an excellent student loan repayment calculator. To access it click here. From there you can move to wide variety of information on the subject.
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Welcome Back
After some great results at AS level and GCSE it appears we have a very full Sixth Form again of over 290 souls. Looking forward to meeting you all again on Tuesday (Year 12) or Wednesday (Year 13) for enrolment. It is important you come at the right times, as previously advertised, or you will have to wait unnecessarily.
Independent Living
Rules Reminder
As Al Murray says "where would be with too many rules? Germany. Where would be with too few rules? France." In Beaumont Sixth Form we take the Goldilocks approach to rules, and as the new year starts it is worth a reminder of these, for the avoidance of doubt:
Personal Statement Construction
This is a key priority for all Year 13s applying to universities. A reminder of the advice given in July on this can be found
a few slides in.
a few slides in.
Monday, 15 August 2011
Alternatives to University
Following the excellent talks on this topic during our Year 12 careers and university week in early July, The Daily Telegraph has picked up on the (re)development of this alternative route to a career and cites a range of employers expanding their recruitment programmes in this area. Some we covered as examples but several others are referenced in this front page article (click here).
Sunday, 7 August 2011
More Summer Reading
Not often you can read one book which synthesises the disciplines of history, geography, biology and linguisitics, seeking to explain why Europeans colonised The Americas and Africa rather than the other way round, but my summer read has achieved this and more. It is called "Guns, germs and steel" by Jared Diamond.
Next up "Incongito" by David Eagleman, in which his neuroscience studies are used to explore the power of the unconscious mind and even drifts in to areas of moral philosophy.
Next up "Incongito" by David Eagleman, in which his neuroscience studies are used to explore the power of the unconscious mind and even drifts in to areas of moral philosophy.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Free Legal Advice
St Albans Crown Court is holding an Open Day on Saturday 10th September (10.00 - 15.00). "A rare chance to see first-hand how the justice system operates." Poster on board at school.
What is in a number?
Great article from the BBC about the magic number of 72 in Economics. Very interesting read for mathematicians too. Access it by clicking here.
Read all about it !
A recent gap has appeared in the newspaper market for a quality newspaper with impeccable moral standards. Beaumont Sixth Form is seizing this opportunity by founding a newspaper covering local issues but also with a take on national and global events. Ben Williams is the Managing Editor and is looking for contributors. Contact:
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Career Opportunities
Ahead of Thursday's careers talk to you Year 12s, it is worth highlighting two routes that Beaumont students have chosen and that you might like to investigate. I referred to the KPMG school leavers' programme on Monday (for info click here) and we also have had three students attend the Retail Fashion Academy and develop careers in this large industry.
Friday, 1 July 2011
The Language of Film
If it is clear that those studying languages must graduate over time to the interpretation of texts written in the native tongue. It is not so clear how to develop an appreciation of the culture and history of that nation in one relaxing evening. But a film buff would suggest that two hours of masterful celluloid might just be the the most attractive way. So here is the Beaumont Sixth Form official Top 5 Foreign Films to help you gain that crucial A2 insight:
French - "the Hidden"
Spanish - "Volver"
German - " The Lives of Others"
French - "Jean de Florette"
German - "Goodbye Lenin"
If you enjoy these, and we pretty much guarantee you will, let us know and we'll keep them coming.
French - "the Hidden"
Spanish - "Volver"
German - " The Lives of Others"
French - "Jean de Florette"
German - "Goodbye Lenin"
If you enjoy these, and we pretty much guarantee you will, let us know and we'll keep them coming.
Pimping your Personal Statement
With next week having a big focus on personal statement, we turn to the question of what sort of reading around my subject is appropriate to deepen it without the suggestion of implausibility or excessive geekiness?
English is relatively straightforward. A decent dip over the Summer into the works of such modern authors as Amis, Banks, McCarthy or Garcia Marquez will ensure credibility without drudgery. However what about Maths or the Sciences? Help is at hand with the Beaumont Sixth Form unofficial reading list for the scientifically curious:
Fermat's Last Theorem - Simon Singh (and I would like it back, Roscoe)
The Infinite Book - John D Barrow
Just Six Numbers - Martin Rees
Longitude - Dava Sobel
The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
Bad Science - Ben Goldacre (great for prospective Medicine applicants too)
Galileo's Finger - Peter Atkins
English is relatively straightforward. A decent dip over the Summer into the works of such modern authors as Amis, Banks, McCarthy or Garcia Marquez will ensure credibility without drudgery. However what about Maths or the Sciences? Help is at hand with the Beaumont Sixth Form unofficial reading list for the scientifically curious:
Fermat's Last Theorem - Simon Singh (and I would like it back, Roscoe)
The Infinite Book - John D Barrow
Just Six Numbers - Martin Rees
Longitude - Dava Sobel
The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
Bad Science - Ben Goldacre (great for prospective Medicine applicants too)
Galileo's Finger - Peter Atkins
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Rob's Festival
A great event for great causes. Tremendous to witness the efforts of so many of our sixth form come to fruition in such a positive way. All of those who took part can be proud of your achievement in helping make this happen. The BSA have recognised this contribution and will be ensuring that a sizeable chunk of the money raised for the School comes your way. You work is already getting immortalised in the blogosphere by "the Scratch"
An Important Charity
Great to hear that the Teenage Cancer Trust, with which we have a long standing connection, has been obtaining national air time for its campaign for the diagnosis of teenage cancers to be more rapid. Their website is full of useful information on related health matters and clear, uncomplicated advice. There are also many opportunites to get involved in raising money for their outstanding cause. To learn more click here:
Independent Living
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
New Peer Mentors required
We have some Year 9s looking to be mentored. If you are interested in helping out with in our programme of Sixth From mentoring support, please see Mrs R-J.
Herts Uni Convention Tuesday 5th July
Almost all the British universities will be showing off their wares at this event. There will also be a wide range of talks on issues relating to applications. We are booked in from 9.30 to 12.30. You have to make your own way. Details on whiteboard. To help prepare you can click here and here.
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