Wednesday, 19 June 2013

A new approach to making university offers

Birmingham University have experimented this year with offering unconditional offers to some some applicants ahead of their full A level results. This is aimed at reducing stress on students approaching their A2 exams, but also, clearly, at improving the uptake of strong candidates in a highly competitive field. At least one Beaumont and one Verulam student has accepted them as their choice based on the increased certainty offered.

As always, there are pros and cons to this decision. It is recommended that you discuss the implications of this development, particularly if it expands beyond Birmingham next year, if you have any queries about taking this route.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Local fitness course

Free to 16 -19 year olds for five weeks from 19th June at The Base, London Colney. Covers health, fitness and nutrition. Could be a stepping stone towards a job in the fitness industry. Call Shelley on 07920 708029 for more info.

More Open Days on July 5th

Delighted that Loughborough and Cardiff Universities have added Friday 5th July as an open day, as this is the day set aside during CED Week for such visits. We find that both universities attract considerable attention from our students. Others in the same category that are hosting on this date are: East Anglia (UEA); Southampton and Cambridge.