Monday, 20 January 2014

Art for art's sake

Beaumont has entered the Saatchi/Deutsche Bank national art prize. You can see our entries by going to:

Go to the School prize home area and search for Beaumont School. The quality is exceptional.

Good luck to all entries for the judging.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Kaplan Accountancy Scholarships

This is worth £15,000 of training costs. It also offers assistance in gaining employment with an accountancy firm. This is a work based learning route with fully accredited qualifications embedded within it.

For an information pack visit:

Higher Apprenticeship in Audit work with Haysmacintyre

Two available for Autumn 2014. A great start to a career in accounting. Applications close 2nd March.


Southampton University Access Scheme

The popular and highly regarded Southampton University has launched a nationwide scheme to attract students from non-traditional backgrounds to the university. It offers an attractive summer school, a £1000 bursary in the first year of study and reduced entry grades. However applicants must meet at least TWO of the following criteria:

  • Be in the first generation of immediate family to apply to university , excluding brothers and sisters
  • Be in receipt of 16 - 19 bursary funding or received Free School Meals during their GCSE studies.
  • Be living or having grown up in Care. 

More details:

Careers portal for Finance and Legal Skills

In this part of the UK there are many career opportunities accessible in this massive filed of employment. All the different company programmes and other more general events are brought together now under the roof of:

This is well worth adding to your Favourites, if you are considering a career at some stage in finance or law.

AON Insurance Apprenticeships

Applications to join this programme with the world's biggest insurer are now open. Applicants require a minimum of 280 UCAS points ( = BBC at A level) and role starts in October 2014. This means this year's applications is aimed at Year 13s. If you are in Year 12, it is well worth looking at to have in mind for next year, if it appeals. Go to:

HSBC bank work experience opportunity

One of the biggest banks in the world - HSBC - are offering a series of work experience weeks in June and July. Locations include St Albans, Harpenden and WGC. They are available to 14 -18 year olds in full time education. You apply on line via:

and the closing date is Feb 2nd. 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

London University Taster Course - Booking Imminent

For all considering university application attendance at taster courses are the best way to gain confidence in a potential course choice and to add weight to your Personal Statement. They are usually free and generally of one day's duration.

Because of its proximity and the vast range of events of offer, by far the best source for Beaumont students is  the London University Taster Course Programme ( Unfortunately, it is so good that more and more schools have caught on to its benefits and so now early booking is essential, as many fill up very quickly.

There are typically over 150 different courses in 70+ subject areas. All are free and on offer from March until July. It is possible to preview them now on the site listed above. Priority places can be applied for from 11am on Thursday 9th January until 11am on Wednesday January 15th. This gives you the best chance of gaining a place on the most popular courses. Attending at least one is strongly advised, if you are thinking that university will be your next stage after Sixth Form.

Cambridge University Masterclasses

Great opportunity for a student thinking of applying to Cambridge University. Six possible one day masterclasses (see below). You need to be interested in the areas covered and be targeted A*AA at A level. Nominations have to be made by the School by 14th Feb. See us for more details. Courses:

10/4/14 - Law or History

14/4/14 - Philosophy/Religious Studies or Applied Maths and Physics

15/4/14 - Biomedical Sciences or Languages and related degrees