The Russell Group advice ("Informed Choices") detailed here about subject selection has been updated and enhanced. The key messages remain the same but perhaps there is a little more clarity and detail now.
The most useful element for Beaumont students is, I think, their 5 point plan, which I have summarised below:
1. Know what you want to study as a degree?
Check what, if any, are the subject requirements - use UCAS Course Search to do this quickly
2. Not sure what you want to study?
Keep your options open by choosing 1 or 2 "facilitating subjects" (these are the Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Further Maths, Languages, Geography, History and English Literature). There is absolutely no advice of a need or a preference for 3.
3. GCSEs matter. Since the demise of AS levels universities are using this information more intensely and they often require certain GCSEs at certain standard in support of sixth form subject choices.
4. Think balance and suitable combinations, but do not choose a likely weak area to study just to create balance.
5. Make sure you know why you are choosing a subject, especially if it is new to you. Be able to explain for a minute why this choice makes sense for you.