Saturday 5 January 2013

Degree Course Taster Courses

For more than five years, we have been suggesting to all considering university application that attendance at taster courses are the best way to gain confidence in a potential course choice and to add weight to your Personal Statement. They are usually free and generally of one day's duration.

Because of its proximity and the vast range of events of offer, by far the best source for Beaumont students is  the London University Taster Course Programme ( Unfortunately, it is so good that more and more schools have caught on to its benefits and so now early booking is essential, as many fill up very quickly.

There are 150 courses in 70+ subject areas. All are free and on offer from March until July. It is possible to preview them now on the site listed above. Places can be booked from 11am on Thursday 10th January . This is strongly advised, if you are thinking that university will be your next stage after Sixth Form.